Friday, June 10, 2011

Whatsup Gold -- Device Updates

We use some of the wonderful scripts found the ipswitch script library to update our device attributes (in v14.3.x). Below is a version of the vbs to update the location setting on a cisco 2960-3560 model switch. It will work on others, but use the snmpwalker to your advantage. Credit goes to the original poster (I'm still trying to find the original article). Use at your own risk. YMMV.

' Get action on SNMP OID to retrieve values

set snmp = CreateObject("CoreAsp.SnmpRqst")
nDeviceID = Context.GetProperty("DeviceID")
set result = snmp.Initialize(nDeviceID)
set result = snmp.Get("")
If Not result.Failed Then
value = result.GetPayload
End If

' Retrieve DB object
Set oDb = Context.GetDB
nDeviceID = Context.GetProperty("DeviceID")

' Checking if the attribute already exists. If not we create one, if yes we simply update it.
sqlCheck = "SELECT nDeviceAttributeID FROM DeviceAttribute WHERE (nDeviceID = " & nDeviceID & ") AND (sName = N'" & RESULT_ATTRIBUTE & "')"
Set oRs1 = oDb.Execute(sqlCheck)

' Storing it in DB as needed.
If oRs1.EOF Then
sqlStoreResult = "INSERT INTO DeviceAttribute (nDeviceID, sName, sValue) VALUES (" & _
nDeviceID & ", N'" & RESULT_ATTRIBUTE & "', N'" & value & "')"
sqlStoreResult = "UPDATE DeviceAttribute SET sValue = N'" & value & _
"' WHERE (nDeviceID = " & nDeviceID & ") AND (sName = N'" & RESULT_ATTRIBUTE & "')"
End If



To tweak, modify the snmp oid in the snmp get statement and change the RESULT.ATTRIBUTE = statement to what are you retrieving. Simple enough. On our switches we snag location, code version, vendor, model, serial and some others.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Whatsup Gold -- Back-End SQL for device attributes

I hate maintaining spreadsheets when my group and I have documented our network via whatsup gold. However, extracting that information for various reason has been a pain. I use this script on the back-end to grab devices by campus with the svalues (our defined attributes of importance). FYI, I'm not a SQL person by any stretch. I'm sure the code could be much better (and I'll take the helpful tips). AssetTag and GPTAG are -usually- the same value for us. replace sName = with your values and you should have some luck. Change the sNetworkAddress = to your subnets, etc.
No idea how to pull this into a webpage. I tried. It blew up. We needed the extract in csv so this was good enough. YMMV. I am not an expert. Use at your own risk.

SELECT DISTINCT Device.sDisplayName as DisplayName
,NetworkInterface.sNetworkAddress AS IPAddress
,(SELECT DeviceAttribute.sValue FROM DeviceAttribute WHERE DeviceAttribute.sName = 'SerialNumber' AND (DeviceAttribute.nDeviceID = Device.nDeviceID)) as SerialNumber
,(SELECT DeviceAttribute.sValue FROM DeviceAttribute WHERE DeviceAttribute.sName = 'Name' AND (DeviceAttribute.nDeviceID = Device.nDeviceID)) as Hostname,
(SELECT DeviceAttribute.sValue FROM DeviceAttribute WHERE DeviceAttribute.sName = 'Location' AND (DeviceAttribute.nDeviceID = Device.nDeviceID))AS Location,
(SELECT DeviceAttribute.sValue FROM DeviceAttribute WHERE DeviceAttribute.sName = 'Model' AND (DeviceAttribute.nDeviceID = Device.nDeviceID)) AS Model,
(SELECT DeviceAttribute.sValue FROM DeviceAttribute WHERE DeviceAttribute.sName = 'GPTAG' AND (DeviceAttribute.nDeviceID = Device.nDeviceID)) AS GPTAG,
(SELECT DeviceAttribute.sValue FROM DeviceAttribute WHERE DeviceAttribute.sName = 'AssetTag' AND (DeviceAttribute.nDeviceID = Device.nDeviceID)) AS AssetTag,
(SELECT DeviceAttribute.sValue FROM DeviceAttribute WHERE DeviceAttribute.sName = 'MACAddress' AND (DeviceAttribute.nDeviceID = Device.nDeviceID)) AS MACAddress
FROM Device JOIN DeviceAttribute ON Device.nDeviceID = DeviceAttribute.nDeviceIDJOIN NetworkInterface ON Device.nDeviceID = NetworkInterface.nDeviceID
WHERE NetworkInterface.sNetworkAddress LIKE '10.63%'ORDER BY IPAddress

PS -- I can send you the raw sql if you desire. Learning mode....

Day in Review -- Geek Speak

Interviews shot the day down pretty good.

Upgraded our Veeam VM backup solution to the latest version. 5.0.1 --> 5.0.2. Click run. Agree. Yes Yes yes. reboot. test. Yay! FYI, Veeam is awesome. Inexpensive and socket based pricing solution instead of per machine per special need (exchange, sql, AD).

The group as a whole made progress on e911 (oh yeah, I manage the voice systems too!), Replay backups going better (stand-alone solution), and well, crap. It was an administrative day. Not much geek on. Such is life.

Day in Review -- Administrative Overhead

Interviews are fun, but tiring. Trying to get to know someone in 30 to 60 minutes is a challenge. Got the callbacks tomorrow.

One of the joys in a disadvantaged district is Title monies. We get some monies and it always has some restrictions. It must be spent at campus A-W but not X-Z. Each purchase must be under 5k. Each must supplement the classroom environment, not be new or replace another tool. Then sometimes the size and scope changes dramatically. Went from a smallish project affecting about 5-10 classrooms to something that can affect 100. Yikes. Maybe we'll be able to help some teachers out and make them happy. Hopefully my girls (buyer & secretary) can get all the calls and paperwork done so we can use the money well. They have a bit of work in front of them, but are excellent at their jobs. Smartboards anyone?

Then it was board meeting night. I got to play geek. Fixed a CD/dvd drive that didn't work. -FLEX- Whatever. It didn't read the disk. Took the drive out of my laptop and swapped (yeah for standards). Now I get to do a service call on mine next week.

Technician Job Interview Questions

Today brings  a set of technician interviews. I hope the candidates are prepared. Here's the interview questions on the soft/verbal side. Before this, they have to take a hardware-software quiz. Some might come out of it rattled. Others confident. On to the questions!
  1. Tell us a little about yourself and why are you interested in becoming a computer technician for us?
  2.  What did you think about the technical questions earlier? Anything you wish to examine, expand upon or clarify? Is there anything you -know- that you want us to know but was not covered?
  3.  Groups benefit from having an assortment of skills and talents. What skill sets or talents would you bring to our technical team?
  4. Being a good computer technician is often about customer service. What do you think constitutes good customer service in a technical field and how do you deliver outstanding customer service?
  5. As a computer technician, you will often be working alone. What previous experiences have you had performing independent tasks and how did you reach the goals set for you?
  6. The inverse is also true. Often times, we have tasks that need several people to complete efficiently. How do you work in a group dynamic to ensure the team completes the tasks set forth?
  7. Do you have any questions for us?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Transitions -- Novell Zenworks to KACE -- Why

We have begun to transition from Novell's Zenworks to KACE? Why?
  • Well, I have no idea who my Novell rep is...and haven't for several years.
  • Plus Attachmate bought them. No idea what Attachmate does or who they are (Yes, I found the website, read, etc, but seriously, no idea still).
  • Nor had there been any real contact between our two organizations. Having to negotiate our contract each year was becoming a nuisance. Otherwise our only contact was cutting a check every Sept or Oct. that doesn't doesn't count.
  • Constant threats of increased cost so we'd best buy 3 year committment. And were below of the min requirement for our SLA so each year was truly a hassle.
  • It was the only Novell product we had left from our transition to MS environment 2 years ago.
  • Personnel transition. One of former team members took on a new role with another company. Awesome for him, but put us in a bit of a lurch. Growing people is good, but sometimes they leave. Happens. Part of the deal and I wish him well. How he kept that thing running for 2+ years, I'm not sure but I'll always appreciate it.
  • Our back-end database that Zenworks was running on was constantly having to be adjusted. Part of that was the fault of the initial installation. We really had no MS SQL skills and it is a database that needs care a feeding.
  • SLOW LOGINS. 37 or so pieces to uninstall zenworks. CASA anyone?
  • Upgrading for 10.1 to 10.2 to 10.3 at the client level never worked well in mass deployment. So we only had partial registrations and updates taking place. Ever try to push to clients who don't register with home. Yeah, doesn't work.
Pro-KACE Items
  • Integrated features sets with our Help Desk and our imaging and deployment.
    • We are dropping the renewal on our help desk software and switching this summer
    • The help desk has customizable rules, labels, etc that can automagic a lot of our calls
  • We already had a lot of the items in place in terms of images, applications (msi), PXE environment
  • User profile migration. Not usually a pro or con for us, but if we can do it simply, it will be used. People with a title that includes Superintendent occassionally prevented us from using a re-image.
I'm sure there is more. I'll add them as we learn.

Now the fun begins. Watching people learn new roles is experience. Trial by fire has been our way. At least we let you learn from a fire hydrant of knowledge. Here comes all the info, fast and furious. We are getting 24 hours of online training. The trainers have been good and knowledgeable. Plus, they haven't wasted our time.

Current Projects -- Summer 2011

Some of the fun for this summer for us. Summer started. We don't get the summer off. This is when we get our upgrades and installs done. Despite the calendar saying we have nearly 3 months, we effectively has 6 to 8 weeks. Vacations and training kill 2 weeks. New teachers start in early mid-August and we gotta be ready to roll.

Transitioning from Zenworks to Dell's KACE solution.
Using Dell's KACE solution for our new Help Desk.
Random construction projects.
Training for my staff.
Desktop printer removal (and I hear the teacher's cursing us now...)
Bond 2011 discovery phase
Hiring 3 new staff members

First Post!

Ever think, should I start something? Will anyone care? Will anyone read? Who cares. Meh, maybe sharing the day and experiences down will help someone in the future. Or maybe make me laugh. Probably not today, but sometime in the future. I hope.