No idea how to pull this into a webpage. I tried. It blew up. We needed the extract in csv so this was good enough. YMMV. I am not an expert. Use at your own risk.
SELECT DISTINCT Device.sDisplayName as DisplayName
,NetworkInterface.sNetworkAddress AS IPAddress
,(SELECT DeviceAttribute.sValue FROM DeviceAttribute WHERE DeviceAttribute.sName = 'SerialNumber' AND (DeviceAttribute.nDeviceID = Device.nDeviceID)) as SerialNumber
,(SELECT DeviceAttribute.sValue FROM DeviceAttribute WHERE DeviceAttribute.sName = 'Name' AND (DeviceAttribute.nDeviceID = Device.nDeviceID)) as Hostname,
(SELECT DeviceAttribute.sValue FROM DeviceAttribute WHERE DeviceAttribute.sName = 'Location' AND (DeviceAttribute.nDeviceID = Device.nDeviceID))AS Location,
(SELECT DeviceAttribute.sValue FROM DeviceAttribute WHERE DeviceAttribute.sName = 'Model' AND (DeviceAttribute.nDeviceID = Device.nDeviceID)) AS Model,
(SELECT DeviceAttribute.sValue FROM DeviceAttribute WHERE DeviceAttribute.sName = 'GPTAG' AND (DeviceAttribute.nDeviceID = Device.nDeviceID)) AS GPTAG,
(SELECT DeviceAttribute.sValue FROM DeviceAttribute WHERE DeviceAttribute.sName = 'AssetTag' AND (DeviceAttribute.nDeviceID = Device.nDeviceID)) AS AssetTag,
(SELECT DeviceAttribute.sValue FROM DeviceAttribute WHERE DeviceAttribute.sName = 'MACAddress' AND (DeviceAttribute.nDeviceID = Device.nDeviceID)) AS MACAddress
FROM Device JOIN DeviceAttribute ON Device.nDeviceID = DeviceAttribute.nDeviceIDJOIN NetworkInterface ON Device.nDeviceID = NetworkInterface.nDeviceID
WHERE NetworkInterface.sNetworkAddress LIKE '10.63%'ORDER BY IPAddress
PS -- I can send you the raw sql if you desire. Learning mode....
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