Random status update:
I've taken a job where I went to college the first time before I dropped out. The world is such a small place. Good job, better people, very good work environment. Pay, meh. What are you going to do? I was burned out on management so just simply been task driven is nice instead of leading others. Funny, how much you learn as a manager, what you did well, what you sucked at, how others do better than or worse than you in each area. One thing from all of it I've learned, most people are social animals. Treat them as such. Not animals, but as social creatures. Talk, visit, etc. Even the quiet ones. Management by walking around, is hell of a method to this day. 1 hr of time = happy people. In addition, it gets the uninspired moving a bit more.
I've been assigned to straddle security and netops so I am learning (relearning?) some things. In particular, I'm taking on PaloAlto's firewalls. I'll take my ACE exam soon, then the PNCSE. Kinda makes me miss the cisco tests. More practice tests and simulators in the Cisco world.
Anyhow, I've determined that K-12 environments should adopt VRF's or similar functions instead of building based designs. Its not much of a change, but VRFs keeps the kids traffic with the kids, the staff with the staff, and the teachers with the teachers. From there, policy decisions become much easier and less worry of cross over traffic due to routing.