Took the next test in the line up, DHV1/Windows OS Fundamentals. Its a fairly easy test if you support Win7 from either desktop or network side of the house. Using the online book plus taking the measureup self test did the trick. I'm not a big fan of the learnkey stuff on this one. I took the learnkey practice test and quit after asking MS-DOS/Win95 questions. It was only 10 questions into the practice test.
Be sure to READ the measureup answers. Select all questions, pick an answer, read the solution. It includes both what is right and what is wrong with the others. The book needs this to be a complete solution.
Also spun up a Win7 Pro VM on VirtualBox using the student software agreements. I hate blowing up my work machines. Took 6 days of off-on studying. 1 day cram. made an 88.