Anyhow, regarding the material and test. Sorry, this wont be much help for a lot of folks.
Material: I quick glanced the material from WGU (Testout?). I took 4 notecards of notes. normally, I take a pile of them (50-150 cards depending). I had to beat into my head the 568A & 568B and 110 blocks. Ended up using WAG, BOW and BLOG for the scheme, A-GW (WAG), B-OW, Bl-O-G. The other cards had stuff on them. Don't even recall what. I took the practice tests, and did the scenarios in about 2/3rds of the sections. The ones testing ping, nslookup, dig, etc, I skipped. I've done these way too often in real life.
ping yourself
ping the gateway
ping your destination...
Took the full practice test, made a 96.
The test vs material: since I only quick-glanced it, I can't say how much it mapped up. I simply used my experience (CWNA, CCNA, CCNA-Sec) to ferret out most of the answers technical answers. I think the study material gave me 3-4 questions I would have missed or 50/50'd. I still love "choose the BEST" solution questions. Basic things to know
- IP networking (subnetting, broadcast, Classes, etc. One of the questions was on a CCNA level I thought. Good question, had to think and know your rules).
- OSI model and service at each level and device relationships to said model (Physical - cables,hubs; datalink - bridge/switch; etc;)
- devices to service provided (Firewall vs router vs switch vs packet filter vs content filter)
- Ports and protocols (FTP, SMTP, SNMP, etc)
- Cabling standards
- troubleshooting steps
- WiFi (a,b,g,n; security options/flavors; radio freqs; antenna basics; )
Anyhow, there is a lot on this one. experience helped a ton and made it relatively easy for me. knowing the OSI to services helps a lot for this test. Probably need to know it very well.