Okay, i am techie. I don't like writing policies. Its simple as that. I find policies difficult. Not necessarily to write, but to find the balance the institutions requirements along with the "humans" who will be interacting with the things which i'm writing policy. My human side always plays the what-ifs. the grey areas. ugh.
So, we are writing our lost and stolen and replacement device policy. Finance liked it minus some Financial language! easily remedied. waiting on legal and HR. Something about with holding a last paycheck until we get our gear back. The goal is to either get our gear back or withhold the cost of the units said staff member failed to return. Simple enough. However, that means our paperwork has to be in order. teacher A is owner of laptop X and ipad y. Fun! more paperwork! (yes, we have tools to tie the devices to the users. YEAH KACE!).