- When deploying workstation certificates, check which servers can issue the certificates.Things you learn along the way.
- Having new team members is fun. New blood. New perspective. New questions. Nice thing to have.
- Having issues with whatsupgold "crashing". Trying to have it read some WMI from windows servers and it just stops scanning. Everything. Not good.
- Good is the VM discovery features in whatsup. Check that discover vm environment!
- Updating, verifying, 3500 edge switches is a pain in the ... well, its a pain. Once verified, whatsconfigured will take over and rule. Voice config and security and a few other configs to update.
- Emergency construction is fun. And smelly. Broken water lines, of all flavors! Have to move our equipment (workstations, network stuff, others) out of the way.
- Every 3rd party application wants to do upgrades this week such as our bus route software, special ed *2, energy management, food service, and a couple of others. Not a bad thing, but they asked -- Yesterday. Saying no isn't a real option. At least most of these the vendors will webex/remote-in and do the upgrade. So Veeam snapshot before starting in case they -aw !@#$- it.
- Google Calendar is awesome. Sharing a calendar with vendors/resellers regarding schedules at schools is beneficial. Having to train them how to sign up and use it, but all in all it is good. Better than having to continually export a ics from exchange.
That has been the last week. And my people are busier than me. Its good to have a team to run $1M mostly on their own.