Met with fax vendor and a switch vendor! Fun! Actually, both were very personable. Good info. It has been very cool that the two vendors which have been presenting the last 2 days had female tech people (Sales Engineer). Really cool. Girls can't be great geeks. Bullsh*t. Both knew their stuff -AND- could present. We have a white board and both go, "Can I draw". AWESOME! We have a philosophy, if you can't draw it, you can't do it. Both drew out designs, how their products worked, answered questions, and were personable. As for the vendors with male SEs, they have been very good too, knew their stuff & presented well. I guess one good thing for the downturn in the economy, the people left that I have dealt with are very good.
FYI, E911 finds a lot of mis-documented switch ports. 98-99% accuracy still means a bit of work to clean up.
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