Monday, June 27, 2011

Day in Review -- Geek Speak

Does reading technical specifications for switches, access points, and wireless controllers count as geek speak. I am trying to generate an RFP for wireless overlay at 40 campuses. Need to find all the part numbers for a spreadsheet and make sure they work in our environment. We have some unique space and switch uplink constraints.

Tried spec'ing out a new desktop for my group too. Damn, they can be a whiny bunch :) Seems every network, phone, and server admin has an opinion on what to go. A tech staff doesn't seem to understand a budget. Let's spend 95% of your time at your desk working. VPN and remote access logs show you login once a month. Why do you need a laptop with a massive video card again? The other part of this is knowing you can build the machine from newegg/tigerdirect/whoever for about 60-75% of the cost versus the folks we buy our standard from. But we get all these neat management features! and power savings option! and we never use 'em! awesome! And a 4 year warranty. Ok, that is worth something. But if I took that off, how many more could I buy? I detest warranties. If I could spare everything, I would. I know it isn't always practical. But putting a warranty on a ~$600 computer when you have10000 units is dumb.

Despite the rants. it was a good day.

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