Tuesday, July 19, 2011

K12 Technology Summers

Ever wonder what a tech department for K-12 does all summer. FREAKING WORK! We stay busy with various projects, updates and tasks. Here is our summers
  1. Summer 2011 (please remember, there are only 10-12 people total do these things. This is in addition to typical work orders which usually drop to 75% of our end of the year daily average.)
    • Change out our imaging and desktop management software
      • means re-imaging labs and libraries (2000+ devices)
      • pushing apps
    • Change out our help desk software
      • redesign layout
        • change categories (hardware, software, blah blah)
        • add/modify required fields (name, phone, etc)
        • anything else that needed to be visited
      • test the thing
      • re-write rules for assignment of work orders
      • re-train staff
    • Pick up all local printers (yeah, we are going to be popular next year)
    • change out our hardware web load balancing appliance and ssl box
    • Upgrade vmware esxi to 4.1 on 8 nodes. Rolling upgrade
      • fix veeam backups due to change of ip...grrr
    • change out backup software
    • e911 configuration and setup
  2. 2010
    • open a renovated school -- fyi renovations suck. reusing parts and pieces from before is ok, but sometimes it adds labor, the wonderful hidden cost. Materials go down, labor goes up.
      • site visits to locate technology pathways
      • work with GC to find solutions to interesting challenges. It is amazing what is on the as-builts versus what is actually in the wall/ceiling.
    • open 3 partial renovations and changed schools. Almost worse than a fully renovated. Frankenbastard schools for both cabling and physical infrastructure. Have to do some calculations...if we do it 100% right it'll cost x. if we do the way they meets code, but isn't so pretty, it cost x/2 or x/4. How long will this have to work? 1 year, 2, 3...5, 10? closer it gets to the bigger number is the closer to 100% right.
    • clean up lingering AD migration from 2009 items
      • share permissions & layout
      • email archives
    • Upgrade 3000 switches OS to support SSH and current code. Not hard, but requires some attention
  3. 2009 -- almost the death of me and my group. Never again.
    • Migrate from eDir to AD and Groupwise to Exchange
      • prep work with the contractor doing the move. Contractor was successful. Took care of our issues generally. Nothing is perfect, but the issues were acceptable. Plus, I know what 2 items i missed in my RFP. Damn. More GPOs.
      • Actually move all items. This was done over a 2 week period. Pretty much threw a switch for about 3500 accounts. Friday you have Groupwise. Monday you have Exchange. email will back fill. Important people's email moved first, obviously -- like mine!
    • Open several new schools
      • 1-1 high school (yes, my group did all the items below except where noted)
        • manage all cabling installation
          • Includes data, fiber, Teacher AV, outside plant fiber...
          • Vendor did the cabling, switch mounting, & AP installs
        • install & document switches
        • deliver, image, and install 1000 computers
          • Teacher station
          • student stations
        • install ip phones
        • configure, design and implement wireless for 1-1
      • open renovated ES (see above for how much of a pain these are)
    • Assist with Business and Student information systems change
      • Install servers
      • Deploy BIS and SIS apps on workstations as selected
So, summers are usually filled with projects. The only consistency is change.

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